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tirsdag den 15. juli 2014

Wonderdul Days - Promotion video

I efteråret 2012 drønede fotograf Jens Friis og jeg rundt i alle krogene af Jylland, for at optage denne promotion video for ungdomsfestivalen Wonderful Days. Det var en fornøjelse at arbejde sammen med alle de skønne unge mennesker fra forskellige efterskoler. Tak til Kristine Stage og hendes bror Per, som i kulde og regn holdte ud! Tak til Sofia Hedia for hendes smukke sang! Og sidst men ikke mindst Tak til Jens Friis for et fantastisk hyggeligt samarbejde!
Nyd den.

In the autumn of 2012 photographer Jens Friis and I ran around in every nook and cranny of Jutland to record this promotion video for the youth festival Wonderful Days. It was a pleasure to cooperate with the beautiful young people from different schools. Thanks to Kristine Stage and her brother Per, who endured the cold and rain! Thanks to Sofia Hedia for her lovely song! And last but not least thanks to Jens Friis for an incredibly collaboration!


Photographer: Jens Friis

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